Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mom's visit has ended!!

Well, we just dropped Mom off at the Southwest Airport. The clocks went back an hour last night, so..........we were REALLY up by 0430. We got up no problem, surprisingly!!
It was great that she was able to come and see me sing with my group at our concert last night. She had never heard arcapella before, it's cool to be able to introduce her to a "new" form of music.
Here are some pics of "our last supper" at an Italian restaurant chain called Carabba's, just in Florida, I think. Some friends joined us to say good-bye!
We took some fun pics after my make-up was applied for the show, and some after the concert........just fooling around!
The last pics are from the sunrise when we returned back to the park after dropping Mom I write this, her plane is just taking off.
We had such a great time, I am really going to miss her.......Martin and Chester are going to too.
Enjoy the beautiful day!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mardi Gras and last kareoke

Hi everyone, here are some new pics from our annual Mardi Gras yesterday, here in Citrus Park. Mom's visit is quickly coming to an end. She also had her last weekly Wednesday kareoke experience today.
Hope the Spring has sprung...........hope all are well!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Carnival Danse

Hi everyone, here are a few pics of our annual Carnival danse here at our clubhouse. Mardi Gras is on Tuesday. (Shrove Tuesday).
Mom is tired from dansing, but.......happy.
Take care!
I will send some other pics later............Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fun with Mom at the waterpark.....

Hi everyone, I just HAD to post these pics of Me and my mom at the waterpark........she was such a trooper.......we had a blast!!!
Enjoy the pics!!!
Hope all are well!

We went to Tin City for lunch, at the bottom of Naples a few days earlier.